Sunday, July 15, 2007

Beautiful Volta

This weekend I've watched groups come and go. I was so sad for this past group to leave, we all just seemed to mesh so well, and honestly, I am not ready for a new group to come in. I guess that part of me is sick of change. As the old group was leaving, I couldn't help but have tears in my eyes not only because they were wonderful, but because I'm realizing that I'm leaving in just under two weeks. I cannot believe the summer has gone so quickly. I feel like I have been here for a week. I'm not ready to go...Hohoe is part of who I am...It is my home. I have formed so many close bonds, and seen so many's going to be so hard to leave. I honestly don't know how to describe this experience to anyone...I cannot put it into's something that you'd have to experience. I hope that my pictures and my words can do this trip justice. Two weeks could last a lifetime though.

I got a chance to spend some time at the orphanage last week, and enjoyed it SO much. It has been one of my goals to make a little boy, Godwin, smile when I come....he is so serious. Last week I had a break through...I made him laugh...not just a giggle, but a full belly laugh. It was by far the highlight of my week and I will not forget that smile on his face. Being at the orhpanage just makes me so happy. Every time I go, this boy Bless and I have an agreement that he will tell me one African story. He is quite the story teller, and I am excited to go on monday and hear the latest musings of Anansi the spider. I desire so much for him to have a home, I know that the orphanage is his home but I want him to have all the chances in the world. He probably won't be able to go to secondary school because he does not have the funding, but he is SO smart. He can do great things....i know it...if only he would be given the opportunity.

Pro-Link has also been going well! Two volunteers that have been there for 3 months left, so it has just been the staff and I, and it has been such a blessing. I've gotten an opportunity to really get to know them and they are AMAZING! Christine, the office manager, is such a strong, independent, caring woman. She has done so much at only 24 years of age. We talked a lot about African Christianity on Thursday. It was awesome to see how much faith many of the people here have. I'm hoping to talk with her more about it. The same day...we got into a serious conversation. She asked me what my expectations for africa were before I came. I was surprised by the seriousness of the question as we were previously talking about her fiance. I decided to be honest and tell her that I thought Africa would be like the movies...people begging and begging for my help. I quickly realized that that is NOT Africa...people here don't need me, but I've needed them. They have taught me about life, and love, and the Lord. Ghana has given me so much, I just wish I had something to give it.

George the other manager is ridiculous and we like to joke around. He tell me that I'm "hot cake" which apparently is a good thing. I'll take his word for it. I've met a few of the PLHIV (people living with HIV (like the lingo?)) and they are amazing. They have been so strong to let people in Hohoe know their positive status, eventhough it is so looked down upon by the community. I really look up to their strength and courage as they are fighting this disease!

On a lighter note, I got my hair braided last week. It looks a little ridiculous and I think I am going to take them out today because they are so tight that I haven't slept in 3 nights. It was fun while it lasted. The locals say I'm a real Ghanaian now.

I hope that all is well at home! I will see all of you soon!


Anonymous said...

hi beautiful friend! i love you a ton and am so excited about what the Lord is doing in you and teaching you in ghana...i can't wait to see pictures and hear it from your own lips! I miss you a ton! love you and i'm praying for you and for Hohoe...

Anonymous said...

Glad to hear that you're doing great! You better have taken pictures of your facebook picture. Still Praying for you!

Jennifer said...

Hey Friend! Another beautiful post. Just know this: Ghana has forever changed you and you can use that change to the glory of God by spreading your passion! The Kenyans taught me so much more than I ever thought possible and I wondered if I left as much an impression on them. But then I realized something special...because I knew them as my family, I had a tie to them that no one else had. I could first hand tell about the amazing Kingdom of Heaven in Kenya. I could pray for them specifically because I knew their needs. I could share my new understandings of faith and love and hospitality with my brothers and sisters. And you can do the same for Ghana. The Lord is indeed using you and will contiune to for the rest of your life! Keep the faith, my friend, and come home soon so we can all see you!!

Anonymous said...

you haven't written in a leave soon you totally need a parting you didnt mention you cried when i may have been and inward cry but i know it was there

Anonymous said...

We were at Blowout when you sent this out, so I just caught up and read it! BTW, we missed you at Blowout! There's so much to catch up on! We're so excited that you're going with us rafting! We can spend the time on the road talking! You've had an incredible experience there that will forever impact your life, regardless of whether or not you return. You've learned things that will affect decisions you'll make. Praise God for allowing you to take this trip and for using you to love all these people!